dee's Resolution

"The world is never what we think it is but what we make of it"..Standing upright to your decision is mainly one of the key to your world....

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

I can only love a woman 5% – Jupitar

Dancehall artiste, Jupitar has stated that he cannot give his hundred percent love to a woman and that all his heartthrob can get from him is five percent.

He made his position on loving wholeheartedly in an interview with Joy news.

“It’s going to be very difficult because I can’t love 100 percent. Probably I can give 5 percent. The 95 goes to God because He is the creator of everything,” he said.

According to him his past experience is to be blamed for his current decision.

“I’m that kind of child that experienced my parents having difficulties and it’s stuck in my mind. I’m always mindful of it so I don’t allow women to break my heart.”

Jupitar’s love for music goes as far back as 15yrs ago but he decided to pursue his music aspirations in 2010.

He quickly became a household name and gained respect and recognition among his peers which led to collaborations with Tinny, Trigmatic, Eazzy, Samini etc.

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